3X3 eyes is a fantasy story abut a girl , Pi and a young boy named Yakamo. Yakomo is a school boy living in tokyo. His father was a archeologest and the last he heard of him was that he was in the tibetan mountains. By a strange twist of fate, he almost runs Pi over and then takes her under his wing. He then finds out that she is the last of a race of imortals , called the sanjiyan , with super-natural powers , sent by his dead father to ask him to help her become a ordinary human being. The series is about the adventures that they have and Pi's quest to become human while at the same time the duo fight various monsters and demons and are constantly stalked by the dark figure of Benaris. I found the story to be highly entertaining and great fun , leaving you wanting more. And as such am happy to give it a high score. A definate must see .
3x3 Eyes is available from Manga Video and comes in 5 Parts
(VHS) I'm not sure about DVD though.
Pi as Sanjiyan .
Yakomo Fuji.
Scores : Story 10\10 Animation 9\10 Music 8\10 Overall 9\10
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