Behold the worlds longest anime movie (I think). Detonator Orgun is a film about a young man , Tumaruw Shindo who is pulled into a intergalactic war by a distant relative , Orgun . Orgun is a Evarauda , a powerfull race of beings with strange ties to earth . The Evarauda gave up thier physical bodies and now live and fight in suits called 'solid armour' . They live only to conquer and destroy , knowing no other pleasure in life than the thrill of combat and thier lust for battle. Now Tomaru and Orgun must work together to bring the earth away from the brink of extinction. They team up with the genuis team of Dr . Kensaki and ISAC , the genuis girl and the super computer , but is there enough time to prepare for the comming of the evarauda. This movie is a hell of a thing to sit through , almost three hours. It can seem long but is one of the best 'mech' movies and one of the best manga storys I have seen to date. The story is origional, with sub-plots , easy to follow and with some of the best mech fight sequances I have ever seen. Great animation make the action a joy to follow . A must have and well worth its money.

Tumaruw Shindo, Proffesor Kensaki and Orgun
Scores : Story 10/10 Animation 9/10 Music 8/10 Overall 9/10

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